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The Prince??

"Okay everyone!" Wayne shouted, clapping his hands to get all the children's attention. "You all did fantastic work today! you should all feel proud. I will see you all bright and early next week! Be sure to let your parents know what terrific work you've done!"

All of the kids ran off to their parents, some said goodbye to Wayne as they ran back, others had their parents come up to him to let them know that they couldn't attend the next session for one reason or another. A typical Tuesday morning.

Something about this Tuesday however, was not quite as normal.

All of his colleagues, mostly those of which trained the adults, were seeming very stressed out. People were running all over the place, and the knights training hall was being cleaned very thoroughly.

He walked over to Phil, who was sitting up in a tree eating a baguette.

“Hey Phil!”

“Hey!” Dragonica said with a mouthful.

Wayne clambered up with a huff.

“Want some?”


The two sat in the tree, eating bread that had jam baked in. It was fresh, Wayne assumed he stole it from Liam's work.

“Why’s everyone rushing about?”

Phil paused, and munched his bread slowly at him “You didn’t know?”

“What do you mean?”

“The Prince and Princess are coming.”

Wayne nearly fell out of the tree, “WHAT”


“NO?” Wayne stared at his bread in shock “WHEN?”

“We don’t know, we just know it’s some time today.” There was a pause “You don’t happen to remember royal protocol do you?”


A few hours passed, it was about 2pm, he was cleaning up after the under 5’s as they had a tendency to throw their wooden weapons everywhere.

Phil slowly walked up to him.

“Don’t look now.” He said carefully, “But the princess is watching you.”

“What.” He turned slightly behind him, and saw Guards dressed in the ceremonial armour, next to The Princess, and the Prince.

“Oh my god”

Before Phil could say anything else, he was called away by his flight instructor. He could only give Wayne a look of “it’ll be okay” before dashing off.

Wayne tried his best to ignore the fact that the king and queen of his town were right behind him.

It was terrifying to say the least.

He heard footsteps coming up behind him.

The mental clunking of heavy armour.

He turned, and ended up face to face with the Prince of Brambleberry.

He wore a burgundy tunic that was outlined with dark green, Brambleberrys main colours. His eyes were a sharp bright blue, and he had dark grown hair.

Wayne shook out of his frozen state of shock, and quickly stepped backwards to bow.

“Y-your highness, it's a honour to meet you”

“A pleasure to meet you as well. What’s your name?”

“Uh, I’m Wayne Sir, Wayne Bradley. I’m a childrens trainer.”

“Ah!” He brightened “That's an important job! We need more young people to be interested in knighting.”

Wayne flushed, it wasn’t often his job was called ‘important’, if his job was called important ever. It was almost looked down upon by most people who worked in the knights guild.

“Thank you Sir.”

The Prince smirked slightly, and picked up one of the wooden swords from a basket next to Wayne.

“I say, perhaps you could show me a thing or two.”


“Of course! Must make sure you're teaching the children right, but do go easy on me. It has been many years since my last fight.”

Wayne smiled, and took a sword from his basket.

“It’s been a while since I fought someone taller than my hips myself Sir.”

The prince laughed and readied his sword, pointing it towards Wayne’s chest.